Versão 1.1
Segue uma tabela que foi copiado do site ,que achei de grande interesse a todos que gostam do LED. Bom aproveito
Technical LED's LED Color Chart
| Wavelength
(nm) | Color Name | Fwd Voltage
(Vf @ 20ma) | Intensity
5mm LEDs | Viewing
Angle | LED Dye Material |
| 940 | Infrared | 1.5 | 16mW
@50mA | 15° | GaAIAs/GaAs -- Gallium Aluminum Arsenide/Gallium Arsenide |
| 880 | Infrared | 1.7 | 18mW
@50mA | 15° | GaAIAs/GaAs -- Gallium Aluminum Arsenide/Gallium Arsenide |
| 850 | Infrared | 1.7 | 26mW
@50mA | 15° | GaAIAs/GaAs -- Gallium Aluminum Arsenide/Gallium Aluminum Arsenide |
| 660 | Ultra Red | 1.8 | 2000mcd
@50mA | 15° | GaAIAs/GaAs -- Gallium Aluminum Arsenide/Gallium Aluminum Arsenide |
| 635 | High Eff. Red | 2.0 | 200mcd @20mA | 15° | GaAsP/GaP - Gallium Arsenic Phosphide / Gallium Phosphide |
| 633 | Super Red | 2.2 | 3500mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 620 | Super Orange | 2.2 | 4500mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 612 | Super
Orange | 2.2 | 6500mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 605 | Orange | 2.1 | 160mcd @20mA | 15° | GaAsP/GaP - Gallium Arsenic Phosphide / Gallium Phosphide |
| 595 | Super Yellow | 2.2 | 5500mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 592 | Super Pure
Yellow | 2.1 | 7000mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 585 | Yellow | 2.1 | 100mcd @20mA | 15° | GaAsP/GaP - Gallium Arsenic Phosphide / Gallium Phosphide |
| 4500K | "Incan-
White | 3.6 | 2000mcd
@20mA | 20° | SiC/GaN -- Silicon Carbide/Gallium Nitride |
| 6500K | Pale
White | 3.6 | 4000mcd
@20mA | 20° | SiC/GaN -- Silicon Carbide/Gallium Nitride |
| 8000K | Cool White | 3.6 | 6000mcd
@20mA | 20° | SiC/GaN - Silicon Carbide / Gallium Nitride |
| 574 | Super
Lime Yellow | 2.4 | 1000mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 570 | Super
Lime Green | 2.0 | 1000mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 565 | High
Green | 2.1 | 200mcd
@20mA | 15° | GaP/GaP - Gallium Phosphide/Gallium Phosphide |
| 560 | Super
Pure Green | 2.1 | 350mcd
@20mA | 15° | InGaAIP - Indium Gallium Aluminum Phosphide |
| 555 | Pure Green | 2.1 | 80mcd
@20mA | 15° | GaP/GaP - Gallium Phosphide/ Gallium Phosphide |
| 525 | Aqua Green | 3.5 | 10,000mcd
@20mA | 15° | SiC/GaN - Silicon Carbide / Gallium Nitride |
| 505 | Blue Green | 3.5 | 2000mcd
@20mA | 45° | SiC/GaN - Silicon Carbide / Gallium Nitride |
| 470 | Super Blue | 3.6 | 3000mcd
@20mA | 15° | SiC/GaN - Silicon Carbide / Gallium Nitride |
| 430 | Ultra Blue | 3.8 | 100mcd
@20mA | 15° | SiC/GaN - Silicon Carbide / Gallium Nitride |
Relative Intensity vs Wavelength (P)
Forward Current vs
Forward VoltageRed 5, Ultra Red 4, HE Red 6, Orange 7, Bright Red 3,
HE Green 9, Yellow 8
| Relative Luminous Intensity vs
Forward Current
Ultra Red 4, HE Red 6, Orange 7, Yellow 8, HE Green 9
Red 5, Bright Red 3, Pure Blue C
Forward Current vs
Ambient Air Temperature Red 5, Ultra Red 4, HE Red 6, Orange 7,
HE Green 9, Ultra Blue D, Yellow 8, Bright Red 3 | Relative Luminous Intensity vs
Ambient TemperatureRed 5, Bright Red 3, Ultra Red 4, HE Green 9, Yellow 8
Maximum Tolerable Peak Current
vs Pulse Duration
Ultra Red, Red, HE Red, Orange, Yellow, HE Green,
Ultra Green (523nm), Ultra Green (502nm), Pure Blue, Ultra Blue
| Bright Red
Backlighting Surfaces Using LEDs
Tables, Graphs and Images are through the courtesy of LEDtronics 07/10/00
Disclaimer: The information provide herein are basics to educate one on the operating properties and user characteristics of LEDs. We do not imply that the information is accurate or applicable to every aspect of LED usage. Each application will have to be performed on its own merits and with full understanding that damages and injury are the sole responsibility of the "builder". We do not dispense engineering advice. You need to determine the specific products you will need for your specific application.
The LED color chart does NOT represent what OkSolar provide. This chart is only to be used as reference for the various types of LED's being manufactured today, and to show what their basic properties are. ------------#Traduzido pelo Google#----------------
Tabelas, gráficos e imagens são através da cortesia de LEDtronics 07/10/00 Disclaimer: As informações aqui contidas são fornecer noções básicas para educar um sobre as propriedades de funcionamento e características do usuário de LEDs. Nós não significam que as informações sejam precisas ou aplicável a todos os aspectos do uso do LED. Cada candidatura terá de ser realizada por seus próprios méritos e com plena compreensão de que os danos e lesões são de responsabilidade exclusiva do "construtor". Nós não dispensam o conselho de engenharia. É preciso determinar os produtos específicos que você precisa para sua aplicação específica. A cartela de cores LED não representa o que OkSolar fornecer. Esta tabela é apenas para ser usado como referência para os vários tipos de LED hoje está sendo fabricado, e para mostrar o que são suas propriedades básicas. |
A figura representa as curvas de led´s em função de Volt e Amper e apresenta o componente |